Get more from all your analytics

Discover the platform that makes accessing all your analytics easy. Save time, boost engagement and improve performance.

Make it easy for everyone to access all their reports, build customized storyboards and share insights  

Companies all over the world use Digital Hive as the single access point to all their analytics.

What our customers think

“Digital Hive is really genius in this new environment. It’s the most amazing thing I have seen in 10 years.”

“Everyone loved Digital Hive’s design and mobile responsiveness that will give all admin and academic functions an easy-to-use, system-agnostic, one-stop-shop for their information. ”

“Digital Hive is incredible. If at some point in the future we decided that we wanted to stick Power BI in there, or Tableau, or Spotfire, or whatever, they’ve got a huge number of connectors that can allow us to do that seamlessly.”

See Digital Hive in action

See how simple we make it for you to connect, create and engage with all your analytics in one place. 

© Copyright Digital Hive 2022

We're able to take all of your existing technology investments and re-package them in a single portal experience that’s modern and personalized - just like your favorite apps! 

Simplify access, save time and utilize all of your complete technology portfolio, driving more value back into the business than ever before. 

Simplify & Modernize without disruption

See it in actionWatch video

Gartner Cool Vendor "Data Science & Analytics"

Architecture Matters...

Purpose built from the ground up

Prioritize personalization & drive engagement

Surface and recommend reports, dashboards and information from multiple systems directly to users in line with their persona, department or use case, and deliver a consumer-like digital experience that's personal. 

With Digital Hive it's as simple as logging in and being greeted with intelligence! Displaying everything in a dynamic swim-lane view, user engagement becomes instantaneous. 

Create, brand and personalize 'Hives' for every user

Centralize all your analytics & simplify access

Use our connection wizard and enjoy a single click set up

No more platform jumping. Log in once, access everything

Inherit the security from each underlying platform

Create unique persona based experiences for everyone to enjoy

Our no-code, drag & drop builder let's you add assets and content in seconds

Boost engagement by surfacing relevant content directly to users

Bring your analytics to life with real-time storyboards

Display a unified view of your analytics in one place (no more PowerPoint)

Add commentary alongside the data to improve understanding and interpretation

Interact and drill down to each asset in real-time

Certify your analytics & drive better business outcomes

Apply report certifications to steer governance

Sort reports from high to low ratings and improve decision quality

Leverage full inventory of assets and direct future development

Centralize all your analytics & simplify access

Create, brand & personalize 'Hives' for every user

Access, build and share insights faster than ever before

Bring your analytics to life with real-time storyboards

Certify your analytics & drive better business outcomes

Drive value from all your analytics

Discover the platform that makes accessing all your analytics easy. Save time, boost engagement and improve performance.

Get in touch